Monday, December 17, 2012

Podiatrist - New Albany and Seymour, IN - Shockwave Therapy for Foot Pain


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Shockwave Therapy for Foot Pain - Podiatrist in New Albany and Seymour, IN - Zahid Ladha, DPM 

Dr. Zahid Ladha of Foot First Podiatry Center discusses the Shockwave Therapy for Foot Pain.


Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is used to treat chronic heel pain (plantar fasciitis). "Extracorporeal" means "outside of the body." During this noninvasive procedure, sonic waves are directed at the area of pain using a device similar to that currently used in nonsurgical treatment of kidney stones.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy is prescribed for patients who have experienced plantar fasciitis for an extended period of time -- six months or more -- and have not benefited from other conservative treatments. The brief procedure lasts about 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia and/or "twilight" anesthesia. Strong sound waves are directed at and penetrate the heel area to stimulate a healing response by the body. ESWT is performed on an outpatient basis. Although there are no bandages, someone will need to drive the patient home.

People who are not candidates for ESWT include pregnant women and individuals with neurological foot disease, vascular foot disease, pacemakers, or people taking medications that interfere with blood clotting (such as Coumadin).

This therapy is a safe and effective alternative treatment for heel pain and only requires a short recovery time. Clinical studies show a 70 percent success rate for treatment of plantar fasciitis using Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy.


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New Albany and Seymour, IN - Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails


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Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails - Podiatrist in New Albany and Seymour, IN - Zahid Ladha, DPM 

Dr. Zahid Ladha of Foot First Podiatry Center discusses the Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails.


 Since fungal nails are usually more resistant and more difficult to treat than Athlete's foot, topical or oral antifungal medications may be prescribed. Permanent nail removal is another possible form of treatment for fungal nails.

After a fungal nail infection has cleared up, you can take steps to prevent the infection from coming back.

Keeping the fungus under control will help prevent a fungal infection of the skin from reinfecting the nail. Before bed, thoroughly wash and dry your feet, and apply a non-prescription anti-fungal cream to the entire foot from the ankle down. Use the cream every night, then gradually apply it less often. Keep your feet dry. Dry feet are less likely to become infected. Apply powder to your dry feet after you take a shower or bath.

Other tips:

  • Don't share nail clippers or nail files with others.
  • Don't share shoes or socks with others.
  • Try not to injure your nail, such as by cutting it too short (trauma to the nail may lead to infections).
  • Wear dry cotton socks, and change them two or three times a day if necessary.
  • Wear dry shoes that allow air to circulate around your feet (tight, enclosed, moist shoes contribute to fungal toenail infections).
  • Wear shower sandals or shower shoes when you are at a public pool or shower.


Follow basic foot care guidelines and you more than likely can head off most common foot fungus problems.



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Podiatrist - Zahid Ladha - New Albany, Seymour, IN - Foot First Podiatry Center


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Practice Manager Tressea Harvey - New Albany and Seymour, IN – Podiatrist Zahid Ladha, DPM 

Meet Practice Manager Tressea Harvey of Foot First Podiatry Center as she discusses Foot Health.


  When you choose Foot First Podiatry Center, you are choosing a respected, experienced and compassionate podiatrist in New Albany. Whether you're suffering from a mild sprain or chronic heel pain, Foot First Podiatry Center is committed to helping you return to a pain-free, active life through expert treatment of the foot and ankle.

As you browse our website, be sure to sift through our complete list of services. From bunions and ankle sprains to heel pain and toenail problems, you can learn more about the procedures we offer and the conditions we treat on our services page. We pride ourselves on using advanced podiatric practices and equipment, and with the experience and knowledge of our podiatrists in New Albany we offer you and your family the highest standards in care.

You will also find information on our site about our expert podiatry team, New Albany office location, appointment hours and contact details. We welcome new patients of any age for once off or ongoing podiatry health care.

Your feet are the foundation of your body, taking you where you need to go. Don't take foot pain lightly. Allow us to give your feet and ankles the attention they deserve. Contact Foot First Podiatry Center to make an appointment today.


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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Foot Warts - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA


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Foot Warts - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM


Dr. Marshall Lukoff of FootCare Specialists discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments Foot Warts

 Most foot warts are harmless, even though they may be painful. They are often mistaken for corns or calluses, which are layers of dead skin that build up to protect an area which is being continuously irritated. A wart, however, is caused by a viral infection which invades the skin through small or invisible cuts and abrasions. Foot warts are generally raised and fleshy and can appear anywhere on the foot or toes. Occasionally, warts can spontaneously disappear after a short time, and then, just as frequently, they recur in the same location. If left untreated, warts can grow to an inch or more in circumference and can spread into clusters of warts. Children, especially teenagers, tend to be more susceptible to warts than adults.

Plantar warts, also known as verrucas, appear on the soles of the feet and are one of several soft tissue conditions that can be quite painful. Unlike other foot warts, plantar warts tend to be hard and flat, with a rough surface and well-defined boundaries. They are often gray or brown (but the color may vary), with a center that appears as one or more pinpoints of black. Plantar warts are often contracted by walking barefoot on dirty surfaces or littered ground. The virus that causes plantar warts thrives in warm, moist environments, making infection a common occurrence in public pools and locker rooms.

Like any other infectious lesion, plantar warts are spread by touching, scratching, or even by contact with skin shed from another wart. The wart may also bleed, another route for spreading. Plantar warts that develop on the weight-bearing areas of the foot (the ball or heel of the foot) can cause a sharp, burning pain. Pain occurs when weight is brought to bear directly on the wart, although pressure on the side of a wart can create equally intense pain.

To prevent the spread of warts, follow these tips:

  • Avoid direct contact with warts, both from other persons or from other parts of the body.
  • Avoid walking barefoot, except on sandy beaches.
  • Change your shoes and socks daily.
  • Check your children's feet periodically.
  • Keep your feet clean and dry.

It is important to note that warts can be very resistant to treatment and have a tendency to reoccur. Over-the-counter foot wart treatments are usually ineffective because their use can inadvertently destroy surrounding healthy tissue. Please contact our office for help in effectively treating warts. Our practice is expert in recommending the best treatment for each patient, ranging from prescription ointments or medications to, in the most severe cases, laser cautery.



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Morton’s Neuroma - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM

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Morton’s Neuroma - Podiatrist in  Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM


Dr. Marshall Lukoff of FootCare Specialists discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments Morton’s Neuroma

  A neuroma is an enlarged, benign growth of nerves, most commonly between the third and fourth toes. Neuromas are caused by tissue rubbing against and irritating the nerves. Pressure from poorly fitting shoes or an abnormal bone structure can also lead to this condition. Symptoms may include sensations of thickness, burning, numbness, tingling, or pain in the ball of the foot.  Treatments generally include wearing corrective shoes or orthotics and/or receiving cortisone injections. In severe cases, surgical removal of the growth may be necessary.

Morton's neuroma is a thickening of tissues around the nerve that leads to the toes. Morton's neuroma usually develops between the third and fourth toes in response to irritation, such as that caused by wearing high-heeled or narrow shoes, or from trauma. Symptoms may include a burning pain that radiates from the ball of the foot to the toes or numbness in the toes. Conservative treatments usually resolve the pain or progressions of the condition, and range from wearing roomier, lower-heeled footwear or using orthotics to reduce the pressure on the nerve, to injections of corticosteroid medication to reduce swelling and inflammation.


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Shock Wave Therapy for Heel Pain - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA

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Shock Wave Therapy for Heel Pain - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall L. Lukoff, DPM


Dr. Marshall Lukoff of FootCare Specialists discusses Shock Wave Therapy for Heel Pain.


At last, a safe and highly effective solution for the treatment of plantar fasciitis. 

Plantar fasciitis (commonly referred to as "heel spurs") is a common cause of heel pain and affects about 2.5 million people each year in the U.S.

Most people think that heel spurs are the cause of their foot pain, however, the pain is actually caused by the inflammation or irritation of the plantar fascia (the connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot). To date, the treatment options have been inadequate for many sufferers.

If this is you - or someone you know - then take note. Relief is finally here! Based on the same breakthrough technology that has been effectively treating kidney stones for more than 20 years, the recent FDA approved Epos Ultra uses shock waves (also known as pressure or sound waves) to provide sufferers with relief.

How does it work?

The device sends high-energy shock waves through the foot to jumpstart the healing process by regenerating blood vessels in the injured area while providing an analgesic effect.


This non-invasive outpatient procedure often requires only a single, 30-minute session and many insurance carriers are already covering the costs.

So come see for yourself. Call 855-FIT-FEET today for more information and to schedule a consultation.




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Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM

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Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM


Dr. Marshall Lukoff of FootCare Specialists discusses Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails.



The Goal of our practice is to provide you with the very best medical care available today. Our physicians and staff work together to realize a shared vision of uncompromising excellence in care. We use state-of-the-art technologies combined with effective podiatric medical treatment to maximize your foot health.  We will listen to your concerns, earn your trust and exceed your expectations in a compassionate, professional and comfortable environment.  We look forward to meeting you to discuss all the services we can provide to improve your foot health including:

  • CoolTouch non-invasive Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails and Fingernails
  • CO2 Surgical Laser for Ingrown Toenails, Warts and Neuromas
  • Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Heel Pain
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery under Fluoroscopy for Bunions and Hammertoes
  • Needle-Free Injections
  • Diabetic Foot Care and Rx. Shoes
  • Computer Gait Analysis to create very accurate Orthotics



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Ingrown Toenails - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM

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Ingrown Toenails - Podiatrist in  Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM


Dr. Marshall Lukoff of FootCare Specialists discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments for Ingrown Toenails.


Ingrown toenails, also known as onychocryptosis, is usually caused by trimming toenails too short, particularly on the sides of the big toes. They may also be caused by shoe pressure (from shoes that are too tight or short), injury, fungus infection, heredity, or poor foot structure. Ingrown toenails occur when the corners or sides of the toenail dig into the skin, often causing infection. A common ailment, ingrown toenails can be painful. Ingrown toenails start out hard, swollen, and tender. Left untreated, they may become sore, red, and infected and the skin may start to grow over the ingrown toenail.

In most cases, treating ingrown toenails is simple: soak the foot in warm, soapy water several times each day. Avoid wearing tight shoes or socks. Antibiotics are sometimes prescribed if an infection is present. Note: Please consult your physician before taking any medications. In severe cases, if an acute infection occurs, surgical removal of part of the ingrown toenail may be needed. Known as partial nail plate avulsion, the procedure involves injecting the toe with an anesthetic and cutting out the ingrown part of the toenail.

Ingrown toenails can be prevented by:

  • Trimming toenails straight across with no rounded corners.
  • Ensuring that shoes and socks are not too tight.
  • Keeping feet clean at all times.

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FootCare Specialists - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM

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FootCare Specialists - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM


Meet Podiatrist Dr. Marshall Lukoff of FootCare Specialists as he discusses Foot Care.


 The Goal of our practice is to provide you with the very best medical care available today. Our physicians and staff work together to realize a shared vision of uncompromising excellence in care. We use state-of-the-art technologies combined with effective podiatric medical treatment to maximize your foot health.  We will listen to your concerns, earn your trust and exceed your expectations in a compassionate, professional and comfortable environment.  We look forward to meeting you to discuss all the services we can provide to improve your foot health including:

  • CoolTouch non-invasive Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails and Fingernails
  • CO2 Surgical Laser for Ingrown Toenails, Warts and Neuromas
  • Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Heel Pain
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery under Fluoroscopy for Bunions and Hammertoes
  • Needle-Free Injections
  • Diabetic Foot Care and Rx. Shoes
  • Computer Gait Analysis to create very accurate Orthotics


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Hammertoes and Corns - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy, MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM

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Hammertoes and Corns - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy, MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM


Dr. Marshall Lukoff of FootCare Specialists discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments for Hammertoes and Corns.

Hammertoe is a deformity of the second, third, or fourth toes. In this condition, the toe is bent at the middle joint, causing it to resemble a hammer. Left untreated, hammertoes can become inflexible and require surgery. People with hammertoe may have corns or calluses on the top of the middle joint of the toe or on the tip of the toe. They may also feel pain in their toes or feet and have difficulty finding comfortable shoes.

Causes of hammertoe include improperly fitting shoes and muscle imbalance.

Treatment for the condition typically involves wearing shoes with soft, roomy toe boxes and toe exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles. Commercially available straps, cushions, or nonmedicated corn pads may also relieve symptoms.

In severe cases, hammertoe surgery may be recommended to correct the deformity.


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Foot Surgery and Ankle Surgery - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy, MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM

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Foot Surgery and Ankle Surgery - Podiatrist in Dedham, Quincy, MA - Marshall Lukoff, DPM


Dr. Marshall Lukoff of FootCare Specialists discusses Foot Surgery and Ankle Surgery

 Surgery on the foot, ankle, or lower leg is usually performed by podiatric surgeons and orthopedic surgeons specializing in the foot and ankle.

Foot and ankle surgeries address a wide variety of foot problems, including:

  • Sprains and fractures.
  • Arthritis and joint disease.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Birth deformities.
  • Bunions.
  • Calluses and warts.
  • Corns and hammertoes.
  • Flatfeet.
  • Heel or toe spurs.
  • Neuromas (nerve tumors).

Many foot and ankle surgeries today can be performed in the doctor's office or a surgical center on an outpatient basis. They frequently can be performed using local anesthesia, in some cases combined with sedation. Most foot surgeries require a period of immobilization after the procedures with protective devices, such as a bandages, splints, surgical shoes, casts, or open sandals. Limited weight bearing, elevating and icing the foot, and keeping the area dry are commonly required for the first two weeks following surgery until sutures are removed. Most surgeons will encourage post-operative exercise of the foot and legs to speed recovery. In addition, many patients need additional therapy or treatments after surgery in order to aid in the healing and recovery process. These may include physiotherapy, orthotic devices, and special footwear. After sufficient healing time, which varies from procedure to procedure, most patients can resume wearing their usual footwear.



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Podiatrist in Dedham,Quincy MA - Children’s Foot Care - Marshall L. Lukoff, DPM


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Podiatrist in  Dedham,Quincy  MA - Children’s Foot Care - Marshall L. Lukoff, DPM

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Dr. Marshall Lukoff of FootCare Specialists discusses Children’s Foot Care and Foot Problems.


Children with strong, healthy feet avoid many kinds of lower extremity problems later in life. That's why it is important to inspect your children's feet periodically.


The size and shape of your baby's feet change quickly during their first year. Because a baby's feet are flexible, too much pressure or strain can affect the shape of their feet. It's important to allow baby to kick and stretch their feet freely. Also, make sure shoes and socks do not squeeze the toes.


Do not to force a toddler to walk before s/he is ready. Once walking begins, watch the toddler's gait. Many toddlers have a pigeon-toe gait, which is normal. Some initially learn to walk landing on their toes instead of their heels. Most children outgrow both these problems. But other conditions detected early can be treated more easily.

When Foot Care Is Needed

To help with flatfeet, special shoes or orthotics may be prescribed. To correct mild in-toeing or out-toeing, your toddler may need to sit in a different position while playing or watching TV. If your child's feet turn in or out a lot, corrective shoes, splints, or night braces may be prescribed.

The foot's bone structure is well-formed by the time your child reaches age 7 or 8, but if a growth plate (the area where bone growth begins) is injured, the damaged plate may cause the bone to grow oddly. With a doctor's care, however, the risk of future bone problems is reduced.

Remember to check your child's shoe size often. Make sure there is space between the toes and the end of the shoe and that the shoes are roomy enough to allow the toes to move freely. Don't let your child wear hand-me-down shoes.



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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Heel Pain Center - Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, Beachwood, OH - Podiatrist


Heel Pain Center - Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, Beachwood, OH - Podiatrist Ronald Freireich,DPM


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Podiatrist Dr.Ronald Freireich of FootCare Consultants of Cleveland Clinic discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments for Heel Pain.


Welcome To The Heel Pain Centers


The Heel Pain Centers are dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of heel pain, your pain, utilizing the most sophisticated diagnostic tools and most advanced treatment methods available. Our goal is your goal...finally eliminating your heel pain.

Step into The Heel Pain Centers to find out what is causing your pain and the treatment options available.


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Fungus Nail Laser Center - Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, Beachwood, OH - Podiatrist


Fungus Nail Laser Center - Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, Beachwood, OH - Podiatrist Samuel Feinberg, DPM


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Podiatrist Dr. Samuel Feinberg of FootCare Consultants of Cleveland Clinic discusses Laser Therapy for Fungus Nails.

 Welcome to the Fungus Nail Laser Centers. 


 We created the Nail Laser Centers specifically to deal with the treatment of an old problem with new and exciting technology.  We are podiatrists, foot specialists, and have been treating nail fungus for well over 25 years. In the past we have been as frustrated as you with the limited and unsuccessful treatment options available to deal with this difficult problem. Lasers are very new in treating nail fungus and we have been searching for well over a year to find the right laser. We believe we have now found the most sophisticated laser on the market with the power and versatility to offer our patients a new option in the treatment of nail fungus.

The Problem

Toenail fungus (onychomycosis) is an infection of the nail and skin beneath the nail that affects nearly 23 million people in the US-about 10% of all adults.  It is a difficult infection to treat. To date treatments included topical medications which don't work because it is nearly impossible for the medication to penetrate the nail in order for it to reach the infection. Oral medications are available, however they also have limited success (60-70%), must be taken for at least 3 months, and have the potential to cause serious side effects i.e. liver complications and drug interactions. Additionally oral medications only treat a limited number of the over 200 fungi that can cause this infection. The newest treatment available uses laser technology to actually kill the fungus at the source of the infection.

The Solution

There is no perfect treatment for nail fungus, however the latest studies using lasers have shown a success rate of 80-90%. Using one of the most advanced lasers available, near infrared laser light passes through the nail killing the fungus while leaving the nail and surrounding soft tissue unharmed.

Unlike oral medications, the Nail Laser has the unique ability to attack the more than 200 fungi that can be responsible for causing this infection.  The laser we are currently using in our laser centers gives us an advantage over other lasers in that we have the option to change numerous settings on the laser to provide you the best treatment outcome.  All our patients are evaluated and treated by licensed physicians. Unlike other single laser treatments, we offer a TWO treatment protocol spaced four months apart to achieve the best outcome.

If you want the newest solution to an old problem, choose the latest, most sophisticated treatment, choose the Nail Laser.

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Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, Beachwood, OH - Podiatrist Brian Weiss DPM - FootCare Consultants of Cleveland Clinic


Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, Beachwood, OH - Podiatrist Brian Weiss DPM - FootCare Consultants of Cleveland Clinic


Meet Podiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss of FootCare Consultants of Cleveland Clinic as he discusses Foot Problems and Foot Health.


At FootCare Consultants of Cleveland, our priority is to deliver quality care to informed patients in a comfortable and convenient setting.

Quality Care
When you have problems with your feet, you need to turn to a podiatrist who listens and responds... an experienced foot doctor who knows the field and can effectively diagnose and treat your needs... a friendly foot doctor who counsels you on the best ways to maintain and improve your health. Our foot doctors meet all these criteria. Plus, you benefit from a dedicated team of trained professionals who give you the individualized attention you deserve.

Informed Patients
FootCare Consultants of Cleveland believes that informed patients are better prepared to make decisions regarding their health and well being. That is why we've included an extensive section on this web site covering the full array of topics associated with podiatry and podiatric diagnoses and treatments. We encourage you to look through these pages whenever you have an interest or concern about your feet.

Comfortable, Convenient Setting
The best care in the world doesn't mean anything if you can't access it.  At FootCare Consultants of Cleveland, we strive to make our Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, or Beachwood offices as efficient and convenient as possible.  Included in these web pages is information about our Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, or Beachwood offices, including maps, directions, insurance policies and appointment scheduling. 

We hope you find this web site useful and invite you to contact us with your questions at anytime.


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Diagnostic Ultrasound - Chester, Monroe,Central Valley, NY - Podiatrist Laura Piluso

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Diagnostic Ultrasound - Podiatrist Monroe, Chester, Central Valley, NY - Laura Piluso, DPM

Dr. Laura Piluso discusses Diagnostic Ultrasound for the evaluation of foot problems.

 Ultrasound is a very effective tool for diagnosing a wide variety of foot and ankle problems, particularly soft tissue problems. Ultrasound uses sound waves on the body in a way much like radar uses sound waves. The waves hit a targeted area and are bounced back to a recording device, which produces an image. Ultrasound is a completely safe, noninvasive, and painless diagnostic procedure.

Common problems for which ultrasound may be prescribed include:

  • Bursitis.
  • Heel spurs or plantar fasciitis.
  • Injuries of the ligaments, tendons, or cartilage.
  • Morton's neuroma.
  • Presence of foreign bodies.
  • Soft tissue masses.
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome.
  • Tendonitis or tears in a tendon.


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Nail Fungus Nail Restoration - Chester, Monroe, Central Valley, NY - Podiatrist Laura Piluso


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Nail Fungus Nail Restoration  - Monroe, Chester, Central Valley, NY - Podiatrist Laura Piluso, DPM

Dr. Laura Piluso discusses nail restoration with KERYFLEX.


The KeryFlex™ system offers an innovative cosmetic solution to onychomycosis


Safe, nonsystemic in-office application

Restores the appearance of the natural nail

New nail is both flexible and durable


What is KeryFlex?

KeryFlex is a nail restoration system that uses polymer resins and special activators to create a durable, yet flexible artificial nail when exposed to a certain frequency of ultraviolet light.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Frank Vargo, DPM - Podiatrist in North Royalton, Strongsville Ohio - Strongsville Podiatry


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Frank Vargo, DPM  - Podiatrist in North Royalton, Strongsville Ohio - Strongsville Podiatry

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Meet Dr. Frank Vargo of Strongsville Podiatry as he discusses foot care and foot health.  

Strongsville - Board Certified Podiatrist

 Welcome to the office of Frank E. Vargo, D.P.M.

At  Dr. Vargo's office our priority is to deliver quality care to informed patients in a comfortable and convenient setting.

Quality Care
When you have problems with your feet, you need to turn to a podiatrist who listens and responds ... an experienced doctor who knows the field and can effectively diagnose and treat your needs ... a friendly physician who counsels you on the best ways to maintain and improve your health. Our staff meet all these criteria. Plus, you benefit from a dedicated team of trained professionals who give you the individualized attention you deserve.

Informed Patients
Dr. Vargo believes that informed patients are better prepared to make decisions regarding their health and well being. That is why we've included an extensive section on this web site covering the full array of topics associated with podiatry and podiatric diagnoses and treatments. We encourage you to look through these pages whenever you have an interest or concern about your feet.

Comfortable, Convenient Setting
The best care in the world doesn't mean anything if you can't access it. Dr. Vargo strives to make his Strongsville office as efficient and convenient as possible. Included in these web pages is information about Dr. Vargo's office, including our Strongsville location, maps, directions, hours, insurance policies and appointment scheduling. You can even email a request for an appointment right here!

We hope you find this web site useful and invite you to contact us with your questions at any time.



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Heel Pain - Podiatrist in North Royalton, Strongsville OH - Frank Vargo, DPM


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Heel Pain - Podiatrist in North Royalton, Strongsville OH - Frank Vargo, DPM

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Dr. Frank Vargo of Strongsville Podiatry discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments for Heel Pain.  

 Plantar fasciitis is the term commonly used to refer to heel and arch pain traced to an inflammation on the bottom of the foot. More specifically, plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the connective tissue, called plantar fascia, that stretches from the base of the toes, across the arch of the foot, to the point at which it inserts into the heel bone. Overpronation is the most common cause of plantar fasciitis. As the foot rolls inward excessively when walking, it flattens the foot, lengthens the arch, and puts added tension on the plantar fascia. Over time, this causes inflammation.

Also known as heel spur syndrome, the condition is often successfully treated with conservative measures, such as the use of anti-inflammatory medications, ice packs, stretching exercises, orthotic devices, and physical therapy. Note: Please consult your physician before taking any medications. In persistent cases, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment (ESWT) may be used to treat the heel pain.


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Monday, December 10, 2012

Foot Warts - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita - Texas


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Foot Warts - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston,  Atascocita - Texas - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM


Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments for Foot Warts (Plantar Warts). 


What is a Plantar Wart?
A wart is a small growth on the skin that develops when the skin is infected by a virus. Warts can develop anywhere on the foot, but typically they appear on the bottom (plantar side) of the foot. Plantar warts most commonly occur in children, adolescents, and the elderly.

There are two types of plantar warts:

  • A solitary wart is a single wart. It often increases in size and may eventually multiply, forming additional “satellite” warts.
  • Mosaic warts are a cluster of several small warts growing closely together in one area. Mosaic warts are more difficult to treat than solitary warts.

Plantar warts are caused by direct contact with the human papilloma virus (HPV). This is the same virus that causes warts on other areas of the body.



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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita - Texas


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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) - Podiatrist Kingwood,  Livingston, Atascocita - Texas - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM

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Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle discusses Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP).   



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Laser Treatment Fungal Toenails - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita - TX

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Laser Treatment Fungal Toenails - Podiatrist Kingwood, Atascocita and Livingston, TX - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM


Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle discusses Laser Treatments for Fungal Toenails. 

 Fungal Nails

Onychomycosis, fungal infection of the nail, is often ignored because the infection can be present for years without causing any type of pain. The disease is characterized by a progressive change in a toenail's color and quality, which is often embarrassing and ugly.

Actually, the condition is an infection that occurs underneath the surface of the nail caused by fungi. When the tiny organisms take hold, the nail often becomes foul smelling and darker in color. White marks frequently appear on the nail plate, debris may collect underneath the nail plate, and the infection is capable of spreading to other toenails, the skin, or even the fingernails. If this condition is ignored, the infection can spread and possibly impair one's ability to walk or work. This happens because the resulting thicker nails are difficult to trim and make walking painful when wearing footwear. It is important to note that onychomycosis can also be accompanied by a secondary bacterial or yeast infection in or about the nail plate.

Because of the difficulty involved with avoiding contact with microscopic organisms like fungi, the toenails are especially vulnerable around damp areas where people are likely to be walking barefoot; for example, swimming pools, showers, and locker rooms. Injury or trauma to the nail bed may make it more susceptible to all types of infection, including fungal infection. Those who suffer from chronic diseases, such as circulatory problems, diabetes, or immune-deficiency conditions, are especially prone to experiencing fungal nails. Other contributing factors may be a history of athlete's foot and excessive perspiration of the foot.




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Ingrown Toenails - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita, TX

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Ingrown Toenails - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita, TX - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM


Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle discusses the treatment of  Ingrown Toenails. 

  The most common of nail impairments, ingrown nails, are nails whose sides or corners dig painfully into the soft tissue of nail grooves, often leading to redness, irritation, and swelling. Usually, toenails grow straight out from the nail bed. Although, in some cases, one or both corners or sides curve and grow into the flesh. The big toe is commonly the victim of this type of condition but other toes can also become affected.


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Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM - Podiatrist in Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita - TX


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Podiatrist in Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita - TX - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM



Meet Podiatrist Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle as he discusses Foot Health. 


Town Center Foot and Ankle has been serving North Houston patients for more than 17 years. We specialize in bunions, hammertoes, neuromas, heel pain (including Plantar Fasciitis), ankle fractures, Achilles Tendon disorders, diabetic foot care, fungal nails, and many other foot conditions.

Based in three locations, in Kingwood, Humble, and Livingston, our podiatrists, Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer, Dr. Tyreen Heybeck, and Dr. Matthew Sheedy meet all problems of the feet and ankles with leading-edge capabilities, a high degree of skill and experience and the same focus on long-term results that has earned the trust of countless patients. To schedule a consultation, contact one of our locations today, we’d love to see you!



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Heel Pain - Podiatrist in Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita - Texas


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Heel Pain - Podiatrist in Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita - Texas - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM


Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments for heel pain. 

 Heel Pain Has Many Causes -

In our pursuit of health, pain plays the enemy role. In some instances, however, it does possess  biological benefit. Pain that occurs as a result of injury or early in an illness may play a protective role, often warning us about the damage we've suffered.

When we sprain an ankle, for example, the pain warns us that the ligament and soft tissues may be frayed and bruised, and that further activity may cause additional injury.

Pain, such as may occur in our heels, also alerts us to seek medical attention. This alert is of utmost importance because of the many afflictions that contribute to heel pain.

Heel Pain

Heel pain is generally the result of faulty biomechanics (walking gait abnormalities) that place too much stress on the heel bone and the soft tissues that are attached to it. The stress may also result from injury, or a bruise incurred while walking, running, or jumping on hard surfaces; wearing poor fitting and poorly constructed footwear; or carrying excess weight.

The largest of the 26 bones in the human foot is the heel. The foot is also made up of  33 joints and a network of more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Like all bones, the heel is subject to outside influences that can affect its integrity and its ability to keep us on our feet. Heel pain, sometimes even disabling to sufferers, can occur in the front, back, or bottom of the heel.



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Foot Surgery and Ankle Surgery - Podiatrist in Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita - Texas

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Foot Surgery and Ankle Surgery - Podiatrist in Kingwood,  Livingston, Atascocita TX - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM


Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle discusses Foot Surgery and Ankle Surgery. 

What problems do foot and ankle surgeons treat?
Foot and ankle surgeons provide comprehensive medical and surgical care for a wide spectrum of foot and ankle conditions including common to complex disorders and injuries that affect people of all ages. They are uniquely qualified to detect the early stages of diseases that exhibit warning signs in the lower extremities, such as diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular disease, and they manage foot conditions which may pose an ongoing threat to a patient’s overall health.


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Custom Orthotics - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita TX

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Custom Orthotics - Podiatrist Kingwood,  Livingston, Atascocita   TX - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM


Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle discusses how custom orthotics can help correct biomechanical problems of the foot to alleviate heel pain and other foot problems. 


What are Orthotics?

Orthotics are shoe inserts that are designed to correct an irregular, or abnormal, walking pattern. Orthotics are not solely “arch supports,” although some people use those words to describe them. They perform functions that make walking, running, and standing more comfortable and efficient by slightly altering the angles at which the foot strikes a walking or running surface.

Podiatric doctors prescribe orthotics as a conservative approach to many foot problems or as a method of control after certain types of foot surgery. Orthotic use is a highly successful, practical treatment form.

Orthotics take various forms and are constructed of various materials. All are concerned with improving foot function and minimizing stress forces that could ultimately cause foot deformity and pain.

Foot orthotics fall into three broad categories: those that are primarily protective in nature, those that primarily attempt to change foot function, and those that combine functional control and protection.

Rigid Orthotics

The so-called rigid orthotic device, designed to control function, may be made of a firm material such as carbon fiber or plastic and is used primarily for walking or dress shoes. These orthotics are generally fabricated from a plaster of paris mold of each foot. The finished device usually extends along the sole of the heel to the ball or toes of the foot. It is worn mostly in closed shoes with a heel height under two inches tall. Very little alteration in shoe size is necessary because of the nature of the materials involved.

Rigid orthotics are mainly designed to control motion in the two major foot joints that lie directly below the ankle joint. These devices do not change shape, are long lasting, and are usually difficult to break. Aches, strains, and pains in the legs, thighs, and lower back may be due to abnormal function of the foot, or a slight difference in the length of the legs. In such cases, orthotics may improve or eliminate these symptoms entirely, which may seem only remotely connected to foot function.

Soft Orthotics

The second, or soft, orthotic device helps to increase balance, absorb shock, and relieve pressure from uncomfortable or sore spots. This type of device is usually constructed of soft, compressible materials, and may be molded by the movement of the foot in walking or fashioned over a plaster impression of the foot. Also worn against the sole of the foot, the device usually extends from the heel past the ball of the foot to include the toes.

The advantage of any soft orthotic device is that it can be easily adjusted to changing weight-bearing forces. The disadvantage is that it must be periodically replaced or refurbished. It is particularly effective for arthritic and grossly deformed feet where there is a loss of protective fatty tissue on the side of the foot. This type of device is also widely used in the care of the diabetic foot. Because of its compressible characteristic, the soft orthotic is usually bulkier and may well require extra room in shoes or prescription footwear.

Semi-Rigid Orthotics

The third type of orthotic device (semi-rigid) provides for dynamic balance of the foot while walking or participating in sports. This orthotic aids the athlete. Each sport has its own respective demands and each sport orthotic needs to be constructed appropriately with the sport and the athlete taken into consideration. Through proper functions, this functional dynamic orthotic helps guide the foot, allowing the muscles and tendons to perform more efficiently. The classic, semi-rigid orthotic is constructed of layers of soft material and reinforced with more rigid materials.

Orthotics for Children

In the treatment of children with foot deformities, orthotic devices are effective. Most podiatric specialists recommend that children with such deformities be placed in orthotics soon after they start walking, to stabilize the foot. The devices can usually be placed directly into a standard or athletic shoe.

Commonly, the orthotics need to be replaced or changed when the child’s foot has grown two sizes bigger. Different types of orthotics may be necessary as the child’s foot develops and changes shape.

Depending on the seriousness of the deformity and how soon correction is addressed, the length of time a child needs orthotics varies greatly.

Other Types of Orthotics

Various other orthotics may be used for multidirectional sports or edge-control sports by casting the foot within the ice skate boot, ski boot, or inline skate boot. Combinations of soft material and semi-flexible material to accommodate painful areas are utilized for specific foot and ankle problems.

Research shows that back problems frequently can be traced back to a foot imbalance. It is important for your podiatrist to evaluate the lower extremity as a whole in order to provide for appropriate orthotic control for foot problems.

Orthotic Tips

  • Wear shoes and footwear that work well with your orthotics.
  • Whenever you plan to purchase a new pair shoes, bring your orthotics with you.
  • Wear stockings or socks similar to those that you plan on wearing when you shop for new shoes or footwear.
  • Return to your podiatric physician as directed for follow-up evaluations of the functioning of your orthotics. Making certain that your feet and orthotics are functioning properly together is very important.



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Children’s Foot Care - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita TX


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Children’s Foot Care - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita   TX - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM


Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle discusses the Children’s Foot Care and Children’s Foot Problems. 

 Foot Health Facts for Children

Pain in a child’s foot or ankle is never normal. There is no such thing as “growing pains.” Any pain that lasts more than a few days, or that is severe enough to limit the child’s walking, should be evaluated by a foot and ankle surgeon.

Foot problems commonly experienced by children:

Pediatric Flatfoot - Most children with flat feet have no symptoms. However, sometimes they may have trouble participating in physical activities or sports, or appear to walk or run awkwardly. Some complain of pain or cramping in their feet, legs or knees. Any pain or difficulty with a child’s feet should be evaluated. More information on pediatric flatfoot is available in the Pediatric Flatfoot podcast.

Calcaneal Apophysitis (Sever's Disease) - Calcaneal apophysitis is a painful inflammation of the heel’s growth plate. It typically affects children between the ages of 8 and 14 years old, because the heel bone (calcaneus) is not fully developed until at least age 14. Until then, new bone is forming at the growth plate (physis), a weak area located at the back of the heel. When there is too much repetitive stress on the growth plate, inflammation can develop.

Ingrown Toenails - Tight shoes or socks, or incorrect nail trimming are the most common cause of ingrown toenails in children, although sometimes the tendency for nails to curve inward is inherited. When the nail breaks the skin, serious infections can result. Parents should never try to dig the nail out at home; treatment by a doctor is advised.

Plantar Wart (Verruca Plantaris) - Warts can develop anywhere on the foot, but typically they appear on the bottom (plantar side) of the foot. Plantar warts, which are caused by the human papilloma virus, the same virus that causes warts on other parts of the body, commonly occur in children and adolescents. These warts grow deep into the skin, and can make walking or standing painful.



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Bunions - Podiatrist Kingwood, Livingston, Atascocita, TX


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Bunions - Podiatrist Kingwood, Atascocita and Livingston, TX - Stephen Eichelsdorfer, DPM

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Dr. Stephen Eichelsdorfer of Town Center Foot and Ankle discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments for Bunions. 


A bunion (from the Latin “bunio” meaning enlargement) is a protuberance of bone or tissue around the great toe joint.  Depending on the severity of the bunion, the big toe responds to abnormal pressure on the joints of the foot.  A common example is the foot rolling excessively inward (pronating) during walking.

Causes of Bunions

Other causes of bunions include: hereditary tendency, foot injury, neuromuscular disorder, congenital deformity, and ligamentous laxity (loose joint movement).  Wearing narrow-toed or high heeled shoes can aggravate or cause symptoms associated with bunions.

Bunion Symptoms

Bunion symptoms do not always correlate with the degree of deviation and deformity.  For example, there are patients who have significant prominence of the great toe bone and/or long angular deviation of the big toe who are without symptoms.  On the other hand, patients with significant pain may have minor positional and structural deformity.  The skin and deeper tissues around the bunion may also be swollen or inflamed.  The other toes can be affected by a bunion, as a result of pressure from the great toe pushing inward towards the lesser toes.  Toenails may begin to grow into the sides of the nailbed; the smaller toes can develop corns and become bent (hammertoes); or calluses can form on the bottom of the foot.

Bunion Treatment

Without bunion treatment, progressive deviation of the great toe and an increase in the severity of deformity is likely.  The goal of treatment is to provide an elimination of symptoms in order to allow the patient to return to a normal activity level.  Treatments for bunions vary depending on the severity of pain and deformity.  Non-surgical (conservative) treatment is indicated when it is likely to produce adequate relief, if the patient’s medical status precludes operative intervention or if the patient opts for nonsurgical care.  Conservative treatment includes the following: padding, custom orthotics (special inserts for shoes), physical therapy, cortisone injections, anti-inflammatory medication, change style, activity, and/or occupation.

Bunion Surgery

When conservative treatments do not provide satisfactory relief from symptoms, or when the condition is significant, bunion surgery may be necessary.  In addition to easing pain, the purpose of bunion surgery is to remove the enlargement and realign the joint so that it functions as it should.  In most cases, the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation given by anesthesia personnel.  The most common bunion surgery involves shaving away the enlarged portion of bone, cutting the bone and shifting it to its proper position, and realigning the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding the joint.   Following surgery the foot is bandaged and a post-operative shoe is work for approximately three weeks.  A gradual return to normal activity and shoe gear is recommended as healing progresses.




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Friday, November 30, 2012

Heel Pain- Elyria, North Ridgeville Ohio - Podiatrist George Costaras, DPM


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Heel Pain- Podiatrist in Elyria and North Ridgeville OH - George Costaras, DPM


Dr. George Costaras of Elyria Foot Clinic discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments for Heel Pain.

 Heel pain is an extremely common and potentially disruptive affliction that has many possible causes, including stress fractures, arthritis, nerve irritation, cysts, tendonitis and most often, plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the tissue that connects the heel to the toes becomes inflamed. This inflammation causes pain on the bottom of the heel that can continue to grow in intensity over time.

You may be prone to developing this painful condition if the mechanics of your feet aren’t ideal, such as flat feet or excessively high arches, or if you have poor alignment in your feet that causes you to walk on the inner or outer edges of your feet. Overweight individuals may be more likely to develop plantar fasciitis and it can occur from spending hours on the feet in shoes that offer little or no support.

Treatment options for plantar fasciitis included an effective stretching regimen, icing, footwear modifications, anti-inflammatory medications and weigh reduction to lessen the impact on the feet. More severe cases may be treated with additional padding and orthotic devices, the use of a walking cast, night splints and physical therapy. If you are experiencing heel pain, visit with one of our podiatry specialists to learn if you may be suffering from plantar fasciitis.

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Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails North Ridgeville and Elyria, OH

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Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails North Ridgeville and Elyria Ohio - Podiatrist  - George Costaras, DPM


Dr. George Costaras of Elyria Foot Clinic discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments for Fungal Toenails.

 Laser Treatments for Nail Fungus

Do you have discolored thick toenails? Are you embarrassed to show your nails in public? If so, then we can help.

As one of the first practices in the country to use laser therapy to treat fungal discolored nails, we are at the forefront of laser nail care, successfully treating Onychomycosis painlessly with this new technology.

Before the advent of laser treatment, the only products available to treat this condition were strong medications that can cause liver damage and largely ineffective liquids and creams that are time consuming to apply. The laser procedure is a quick, easy, safe and highly effective procedure that treats the fungus at the source. We welcome you to stop by for a consultation to find out if you are a good candidate for nail fungus treatment.  You too, can have clear nails in a ZAP!

 Nail Fungus Laser Treatment

Nail fungus is difficult to eradicate because the fungus grosws under the nail plate in the nail bed. Topical medications have a very low success rate in treating this condition. Oral drug therapy is effective in about 65-70 percent of patients. However, there are potential side effects from the medication, including liver toxicity. Laser therapy is safe and effective.

Do your toenails appear yellow, brittle or thickened?

Then perhaps you suffer from a toenail infection, a condition that will continue to worsen over time if measures are not taken to stop the infection. Pain in your toenails might be an end result. Toenail infections can be caused by heavy foot perspiration, poor shoe/sock ventilation or walking barefoot in damp areas such as a gym or locker room. Until now, the only solutions for unsightly toenail infections were to surgically remove the nail and apply topical treatments, which have a known poor success rate; or more recently, prescription medications, which have many potentially dangerous side effects and require blood tests.

Lasers are the latest treatment for your ugly unsightly toenail infections.

The Q-ClearTM laser treatment can effectively and efficiently rid you of ugly unsightly toenail infections in as little as one treatment, depending on the severity of the condition. The mid-infrared laser wavelength penetrates the nail and the nail bed, eliminating the destructive nasty infection thus allowing your own body to revitalize your own nail naturally as it grows out clean clear and healthy.

Never a need for needles or local anesthetic with the Q-Clear painless laser procedure

Your toenails will be cleaned and filed prior to the laser treatment. As each toe is treated with the painless laser you might at most feel a mild, warming sensation, most people feel absolutely nothing.

The laser treatment will take under 10 minutes to treat both feet and there is usually no discomfort during or after the treatment. Your physician will discuss post-treatment care to avoid unsightly unwanted re-infections.

You will notice results within 2-4 months, depending on how quickly your toenails grow. New, clear growth begins to appear at the bottom portion of your nail as the diseased portion of the nail grows out.

You may return to your normal daily routine immediately after your toenail treatment, including painting your nails or pedicure treatments. Go enjoy the outdoors, play sports, exercise or just enjoy yourself. It's time you can finally relax and not be self conscious.


Why choose the Q-Clear laser treatment to treat your ugly unsightly toenail infections?

Q-Clear is an effective, quick treatment that provides results. Light Age, the manufacturer of the Q-Clear laser, is a pioneer in the laser industry with numerous years of experience in the aesthetic and surgical medical device industry. Light Age is also a leader in government research with laser stationed at the south pole for early radiation detection to protect all of us.

How does the Q-Clear Laser Work?

The Q-Clear produces 1064 /532nm laser light energy that is specifically absorbed by water and water associated with collagen as well as being focused on the color red. Collagen is a major component in the tissues of the nail and nail growth area as well as the skin. The laser is so sophisticated that it can detect and reach the proper target temperature leading to elimination of the toenail infection The treatment then stops immediately without any pain or discomfort. The Q-Clear is an industry-leading laser that was developed for skin treatment. This is a perfect fit for ugly unsightly toenail infections since the nail is simply modified skin.

Is the Treatment Painful? Is it Safe?

The Q-Clear laser provides a comfortable safe controlled treatment beyond most lasers by having little to NO THERMAL effect (heat) on the skin, nail, and nail bed. The Q-Clear provides one of the safest most effective treatments in the laser industry. The Q-Clear has a long track record of safety since the company has been around for numerous years as well as being a leader in government research.

Will the Treatment Hurt?

No, you should have no pain or discomfort during the treatment. However, some people feel a warm tingling sensation. The Q-Clear laser has the ability to adjust to all clinical situations and produces little to NO THERMAL effects (heat).

How Long Does the Treatment Take?

The treatment takes just under ten minutes. One short session with a 30 day review to ensure the nail is properly responding yields the best outcomes with this procedure.

Will this Treatment be Covered by Insurance?

Laser treatment of nail and skin conditions is considered an aesthetic, cosmetic procedure by all insurance companies with coverage denied.

How Soon Will I See Improvement?

On average, a toenail will replace itself every 9-12 months. Healthy new growth will be visible within the first 2 months as your nails continue to grow following the laser treatment.

Does It Really Work?

Yes. Lasers for ugly unsightly toenail infections have a two plus year track record that is very impressive. Patients are pleased, happy and no longer embarrassed by their ugly unsightly toenail infections. Patients have stated they are now wearing sandals which they have not worn for many years because of their ugly unsightly toes.


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